Assessments For Groups
Emotional Intelligence


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Steven J. Stein is a clinical psychologist and the founder and CEO of Multi-Health Systems Inc. He is the author of “Make Your Workplace Great” and “Emotional Intelligence for Dummies,” and coauthor of “The EQ Edge.”

Derek T.Y. Mann is a performance-enhancement consultant and cofounder of the Performed Psychology Group LLC. He is also a senior research associate at Multi-Health Systems Inc.

Peter Papadogiannis is a researcher, trainer, lecturer and consultant, and also a senior research associate and trainer liaison at Multi-Health Systems Inc.

Wendy Gordon is a writer and has held leadership and instructional design roles. She was an information specialist and developer of emotional intelligence tools and supporting materials for Multi-Health Systems Inc.

What to Order

Initial Rollout – You will need to order a facilitator set per trainer, plus one self-assessment and one participant workbook for each individual learner. Purchasing all of the participant materials you need at one time may qualify you for quantity discounts that can save you money and simplify ordering.
QuickStart Training – If you are new to this product we highly recommend HRDQ QuickStart Training, whether you are a novice trainer or a seasoned facilitator. It’s an excellent way to get up to speed on the product quickly, offer ideas for tailoring the program to your specific needs, discuss typical participant questions and reactions, and more.
Ongoing Training – Each time you administer the simulation, you will need to order a new participant guide for each individual. Quantity discounts begin at 50 units per order. Additional facilitator guides are also available for individual purchase if you have additional trainers or require a new copy.
Product Type

Assessment and workshop

To assess and develop emotional intelligence
  • Perceiving
  • Managing
  • Decision Making
  • Achieving
  • Influencing
Time Required
Scoring: 20 minutes
Workshop: 1 to 1.5 days
This product provides you with instant access to a single use of this assessment for self-study or evaluation purposes. Upon completing your order, you will receive an email with a link to take the assessment, followed by a second email providing access to your report.

If you need to administer this assessment for multiple learners, please click here for more information.This product includes 1 credit for a single use of this online assessment. Learn more about this assessment.

Online Self Assessment contents:

  • 50-item Assessment
  • Auto-Scored Interpretative Report
  • The Five Factors of Emotional and Social Intelligence
  • Perceiving
  • Managing
  • Decision Making
  • Achieving
  • Influencing

How It Works

Unlike some emotional intelligence assessments, EiSA is built on a proven, scientifically-verified framework that is easy to use and requires no professional certification. First, the self-assessment accurately measures emotional intelligence on five scales: perceiving, managing, decision making, achieving, and influencing.
If you are planning to use the EiSA, the EiSA facilitator guide includes everything you need to lead a successful training session, from comprehensive background information and activities to reproducible handouts and even a professional PowerPoint presentation. The facilitator guide also offers an easy-to-follow workshop outline that expands the EiSA into a 1 to 1.5 day training program.

Uses and Applications

The EiSA can be used as a standalone training instrument, or it can be incorporated into a more comprehensive program on emotional intelligence. The EiSA can be applied as:

  • An effective component in training programs on related topics such as leadership, communication, and team building
  • An addition to any program that focuses on interpersonal skills
  • A tool for developing leaders to address the five emotional intelligence factors that will enhance their effectiveness
  • A discussion starter with teams about team dynamics, especially communication, influence within teams, and intra-team behaviors

Learning Outcomes

  • Discover the major components of emotional intelligence
  • Recognize the behaviors and characteristics of an emotionally intelligent person
  • Identify areas where emotional intelligence skills can be applied
  • Evaluate personal strengths and growth opportunities
  • Generate action steps to improve emotional intelligence and success

Theory and Development

The emotional intelligence assessment was developed using a thorough test process to ensure its effectiveness as a tool for personal and professional growth. The EiSA derives its theoretical roots from the vast amount of EI literature and research in the EI and training communities. The EiSA measures and addresses emotional intelligence on five key scales:

Perceiving: The ability to accurately recognize, attend to, and understand emotion.
Managing: The ability to effectively manage, control, and express emotion.
Decision Making: The application of emotion to manage change and solve problems.
Achieving: The ability to generate the necessary emotions to self-motivate in the pursuit of realistic and meaningful objectives.
Influencing: The ability to recognize, manage, and evoke emotion within oneself and others to promote change.

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Emotional Intelligence”

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