Who We Are


Unlock Your Full Potential with Will to Win Global

At Will to Win Global, we believe in the power of transformation. Just like high-performing athletes, achieving success in life and business requires a holistic approach. Here’s how our programs can help you become the champion of your own journey.

  • Consistent and Rigorous Training: Success starts with dedication and consistent effort. Our training programs are meticulously designed to enhance your skills and abilities. Through a combination of proven techniques and personalized coaching, we help you build the muscle memory and expertise needed to excel in your field.
  • Mental Toughness and Focus: True success goes beyond physical abilities. We cultivate your mental toughness and focus, equipping you with the tools to stay calm under pressure and maintain unwavering concentration. Techniques such as visualization, mindfulness, and strategic planning are integrated into our training to strengthen your mental resilience.
  • Expert Coaching: Behind every success story is exceptional guidance. Our expert coaches provide the strategy, feedback, and support you need to reach your peak performance. With personalized coaching and access to seasoned professionals, you’ll navigate challenges with confidence and clarity.
  • Nutrition and Recovery: Just as athletes need proper nutrition and recovery, so do high achievers in life and business. We emphasize the importance of balance, offering guidance on maintaining your energy and well-being. Our programs include strategies for effective time management, stress reduction, and self-care to ensure you’re always at your best.
  • Goal Setting and Motivation: Clear, achievable goals are the cornerstone of success. We help you set both short-term and long-term goals, providing direction and motivation to keep you focused and driven. With our support, you’ll track your progress, celebrate milestones, and stay committed to your vision.
  • Support Systems: Success is a team effort. At Will to Win Global, you’ll join a community of like-minded individuals and supportive mentors. Our collaborative environment fosters encouragement, practical assistance, and emotional backing, helping you maintain balance and stay on track.

Join Us and Transform Your Life

At Will to Win Global, we’re dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential. With our holistic approach, you’ll develop the physical, mental, and emotional strengths needed to achieve extraordinary results. Whether you’re a busy professional or an ambitious entrepreneur, we’re here to guide you on your journey to success.

Become the champion of your own story with Will to Win Global. Let’s achieve greatness together.

Our Mission

Empowering individuals to achieve their fullest potential through transformational training rooted in continuous learning, excellence, and exceptional performance.

Meet our talent development professionals

Meet David Waweru – certified life, leadership, and business coach, and a certified trainer with a knack for making big things happen. He’s consulted for global heavyweights like UNESCO, USAID, and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa, Education Development Center, helping shape the future of education and development in Africa.

David is the mastermind behind The Personal Excellence Masterclass, a program designed for high-achieving professionals and business owners who want to align their vision, fine-tune their execution, and achieve extraordinary results.

With over thirty years in book publishing and extensive experience in business and enterprise development, David knows his stuff. He founded Booktalk Africa, a publishing with global reach, and Will to Win Global, a talent development and consulting firm. He’s also a member of the EU/UNESCO Expert Facility on the Governance of Culture, as well as the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

David’s leadership credentials include a stint as Chairman of the Kenya Publishers Association and roles on the National Steering Committee for the Kenya Primary Education Development (PRIEDE) Project and the Kenya Copyright Board, among others.

He’s the creator of the Safari Adventure Series, which has delighted over 28,000 young readers. His book, Champion: Achieving with Excellence, is a must-read, and his upcoming release, Soar: 52 Nuggets to Power Your Life through Its Seasons, is set to hit the shelves in late 2024.

David holds an MBA from Curtin Business School, Curtin University, Western Australia, and is currently a doctorate researcher at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management in Germany. A former columnist for Kenya’s leading newspaper, Nation, David’s insights on entrepreneurship, education, and leadership have been featured on top TV stations like KTN, Citizen TV, NTV, KBC, and K24, as well as in leading newspapers and international magazines.

With a career marked by impact and innovation, David Waweru is dedicated to helping you achieve your best life.


Caroline Muinga: Empowering the Next Generation

Meet Caroline Muinga, a Certified Trainer with Personify Leadership in the USA. She began her career as a Careers Adviser in London, UK, facilitating career-centered training across East and South London. Caroline’s diverse experience includes working for the New York State Assembly, where she served as Secretary to the Chair of the Committee on Libraries and Education Technology. She is also an Associate Trainer at Will to Win Global.

Caroline is passionate about empowering young people to adapt and thrive in a complex, fast-changing world. As a dedicated youth leader and mentor, she actively serves her community and has delivered motivational talks in the US, UK, Kenya, and Uganda.

Caroline holds an MA in English Literature from Royal Holloway, University of London, and has trained in Careers Information Advice and Guidance with the National Careers Service (UK).

“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford